Evictions & Lease Litigation

Let Michael's 30+ years of experience representing Landlords, Building Owners and Management Companies work for you

Michael J. Newman has been representing Landlords, Building Owners and Management Companies for over 30 years. I have provided legal guidance in the purchase, sale and management of all types of properties throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area.

Michael represents Landlords, Building Owners and Management Companies in lease and eviction litigation for all types of properties. Whether you own or manage residential, commercial or specialty property Michael has the experience to effectively and efficiently represent the landlord, building owner or management company in any type of litigation.

Michael has extensive experience with the Chicago Residential Landlord Tenant Ordinance and the burdens this ordinance places upon Landlords, Building Owners and Management Companies operating in Chicago. Whether your property is located in Cook County, Lake County or DuPage County, Michael has the years of experience necessary to navigate the particularities of each

Eviction Law during Covid-19

Michael successfully prosecuted and  completed the first Sheriff’s eviction of a tenant during the Covid-19 eviction moratorium in Chicago, Illinois. Since then, Michael has continued to successfully evict tenants who pose a danger to other tenants or the property itself.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted Landlords, Building Owners and Management Companies in unprecedented ways.  MJNlawoffices.com has kept its clients informed on a weekly basis of the rapidly changing rules, laws and ordinances directly effecting our Landlord, Building Owner and Management Company clients.

Governor Pritzker has continued to extend the eviction moratorium on  a month to month basis. The Governor’s Order prohibits landlords from “initiating” an eviction proceeding during the moratorium period as extended.  Governor Pritzker’s Orders can be found at https://coronavirus.illinois.gov/s/resources-for-executive-orders.

Practically every day there are new rules and procedures required of Landlords and I am dedicated to making sure my clients are as up to date and informed as possible.

Next Steps...

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